BIRD NOTES ~ March 31, 2008
Pine Siskin in Breeding Plumage by Hilke Breder and Bald Eagle at
Bird Notes
Along with the expected C. Goldeneyes, C. Mergansers, numerous gulls many great black-backed), the two bonded-but not apparently nesting Bald Eagles(See attachment showing the eagle standing in an old redtail nest.), several Ring-necked Ducks, and a couple of Canada Geese, Robyn and I had our FOY TREE SWALLOWS at the Hinsdale setbacks today, Thursday, March 26.
---Paul Miksis,
West River & Retreat Meadows
Last evening(3/25)birds observed in the West River and environs behind the Marina Restaurant in Brattleboro: 1 Great Blue Heron, 1 Ring-necked Duck, 1 Belted Kingfisher, 3 Wood Ducks, 8 Hoodies, 8 C. Mergansers, 14 Mallards, ~ 130
About 4:00 today(3/29) there were 3 REDHEADS, 2 drakes and 1 fem., in the Retreat Meadows out from the boat launch on Rt 30 along with a pair of A. Wigeons, 2 Green-winged Teal(drakes), 1 drake Wood Duck, a pair of Black Ducks, and 2 pairs of Mallards. Beautiful colors to brighten a gray, rainy day!! The lone drake Ring-necked Duck continues in the pond below the Top of the Hill Grill on
---Dave Johnston,
Siskins Still Here (3/29)
Today on my feeder a brilliant male pine siskin (See attachment) in breeding plumage; I wonder whether a few of these boreal visitors will remain behind and build nests here. They are still present here in large numbers along with chickadees, white and red-breasted nuthatches, and tufted titmice - no goldfinches though.
---Hilke Breder,
Allen Brothers Marsh (3/28)
The ice has gone and the water is high at the marsh on
Roundies Cove (3/28)
The next cove north of Herricks Cove, produced 23 Common Goldeneye.
There were 15 Wild Turkeys in the cornfield across from the Brattleboro Country Club. Some were feeding in a manure pile while a few of the toms strutted about with tails fanned and wing tips dragging on the ground.
2 American Wigeon
2 Green-winged Teal
16 Ring-necked Duck
1 Great Blue Heron
2 Bald Eagle
---Lance Tanino,
Herrick’s Cove (3/28)
6 Snow Goose
1 Barrow’s Goldeneye
1 Bald Eagle
3 Red-tailed Hawk
1 Greater Yellowlegs
19 Ring-billed Gulls
1 Belted Kingfisher
4 Song Sparrow
---Lance Tanino,
Please keep us abreast of what birds you are seeing, whether at home or on a trip in or out of the
Al Merritt
A friend is someone who reaches for your hand
and touches your heart.