
Sightings listed for the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society

Friday, June 17, 2016

{BIRD NOTES ~ June 17, 2016}

Bird Notes





If anyone is hearing or seeing Whip-poor-wills please let me know. 

We are doing a census.

---Susan James, Guilford, VT



Woodpecker Eatery with Visitor Wren

The Downy, the Hairy and the Red-bellied Woodpeckers visit my suet feeder

regularly.  Plus a very loud Carolina Wren that calls from the trees, and then

feeds under the suet feeder.  

---Lynn Martin, West Brattleboro,VT



West B. Bobolinks in Trouble

Bobolinks that were nesting in the farm fields along Abbott Road probably

have been destroyed with the early mowing by local farmers.. The two fields

belonging to the Land Trust are still intact and have a few birds taking

advantage. But it is only a fraction of the local population.


Because of the drop in numbers of this and other grassland species due to

habitat loss, the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife had urged

landowners not to mow their fields until August 1st. Fields other than the Land

Trust fields were mowed the first week in June. ! ! ? ?


---Al & Barb






S V A S   P R O G R A M


Ranger Life in Yellowstone:



Tuesday, June 21


Wendy Redlinger grew up in Yellowstone Park for the first 13 years of her life,

daughter of Frank Anderson.Frank left his New Jersey home in his late 20's for

a seasonal park ranger position one summer and never turned back! Wendy will

share some of her dad's slides of birds/wildlife and daily ranger life - summer

and winter - as well as a few of his 'log' entries and her own personal

reminiscences of that special childhood.


This is presented by Audubon Society of Southeastern Vermont

and will be held in the Brattleboro Library's conference room at 7:00 pm.







PLEASE share your birding news and photos with us, so we

 can all enjoy reading about your birds and birding experiences.


Al Merritt


Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society:




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