[BIRD NOTES ~ May 06, 2016}
Bird Notes
Tomorrow, Saturday, May 7,
It is a good time to clean up our river front, roadsides, nature trails and neighborhoods.
Herrick’s Cove (5/4)
Don Clark found a Glossy Ibis out near the point at Herrick's Cove. It was still
present when we all left about 10:30. Also 4 Red-breasted Mergansers, the Great
Egret (been around for a couple weeks now) and 3 RB gulls.
---JoAnne Russo,
Two FOS Barn Swallows were spotted sitting on the electric wires across from
the barn at the Land Trust on
visited our yard. The orange crown was striking as it walked beneath the willow
bush. Did you ever notice that it looks like a little wind-up toy when it walks?
Putney Birds (5/4)
For the last few days we've had a pair of BROWN THRASHERS (see photos
next page), a first at our place. After spending their first visit on the ground
beneath the bird feeders at least one has discovered the suet. So far we've
had one sighting of a BALD EAGLE circling over head, then gliding out over
Putney's Great Meadow towards the
of a pair of GREAT BLUE HERONS, and a few sightings of a pair of NORTHERN
FLICKERS, as well as a frequency of DOWNY, HAIRY, RED-BELLIED, and
---Steve & Laurie Medved,
© Steve Medved
© Steve Medved
Lovely Spring Birds in
Today I have a Blue-winged Warbler.. Over the last 10 or 20 years this beautiful
warbler has spent a day or so in the trees around my yard, feeding and singing.
Then it goes on its way. Occasionally the Blue-winged would stay a few days,
perhaps in the hope a female will show up. My House Wrens have returned and
one is building a nest in a big gargoyle garden statue. The fierce looking statue
has a big open mouth, and the wren is busy putting sticks inside. It is very
entertaining. Few things intimidate wrens.
Yesterday I was on the trails above Memorial Park and saw/heard Ovenbirds,
Black-throated Blue Warblers, Red-eyed Vireos, and others I can't remember.
---Susan James -
PLEASE share your birding news and photos with us, so we
can all enjoy reading about your birds and birding experiences.
Al Merritt chpmnkx@sover.net
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