
Sightings listed for the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society

Friday, May 06, 2016

[BIRD NOTES ~ May 06, 2016}


Bird Notes

Vermont Green-up Day

Tomorrow,  Saturday, May 7,

It is a good time to clean up our river front, roadsides, nature trails and neighborhoods.


Herrick’s Cove (5/4)

Don Clark found a Glossy Ibis out near the point at Herrick's Cove. It was still

present when we all left about 10:30. Also 4 Red-breasted Mergansers, the Great

Egret (been around for a couple weeks now) and 3 RB gulls.

---JoAnne Russo, Saxtons River, VT


West Brattleboro (5/5)

Two FOS Barn Swallows were spotted sitting on the electric wires across from

the barn at the Land Trust on Abbott Road. Two days in a row a lone Ovenbird has

visited our yard. The orange crown was striking as it walked beneath the willow

bush. Did you ever notice that it looks like a little wind-up toy when it walks?


Putney Birds (5/4)

For the last few days we've had a pair of BROWN THRASHERS (see photos

next page), a first at our place. After spending their first visit on the ground

beneath the bird feeders at least one has discovered the suet. So far we've

had one sighting of a BALD EAGLE circling over head, then gliding out over

Putney's Great Meadow towards the Connecticut River. Also, several sightings

of a pair of GREAT BLUE HERONS, and a few sightings of a pair of NORTHERN

FLICKERS, as well as a frequency of DOWNY, HAIRY, RED-BELLIED, and


---Steve & Laurie Medved, Putney, VT












































 © Steve Medved

© Steve Medved


Lovely Spring Birds in Guilford (5/6)

Today I have a Blue-winged Warbler.. Over the last 10 or 20 years this beautiful

warbler has spent a day or so in the trees around my yard, feeding and singing.  

Then it goes on its way.  Occasionally the Blue-winged would stay a few days,

perhaps in the hope a female will show up.  My House Wrens have returned and

one is building a nest in a big gargoyle garden statue.  The fierce looking statue

has a big open mouth, and the wren is busy putting sticks inside. It is very

entertaining.  Few things intimidate  wrens.

           Yesterday I was on the trails above Memorial Park and saw/heard Ovenbirds,

Black-throated Blue Warblers, Red-eyed Vireos, and others I can't remember.  

---Susan James - Guilford


PLEASE share your birding news and photos with us, so we

 can all enjoy reading about your birds and birding experiences.


Al Merritt


Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society:




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