BIRD NOTES ~ November 29, 2008
Bird Notes
Snow Geese: A Gaggle Plus
I had an astounding experience recently. My wife Harriet and I were driving to
A mile or so down the road, I noted huge stubby cornfields brown in the pre snow November, absolutely covered with white geese. We stopped again to look, and walked to the edge of the road. We frightened the nearest several thousand birds and they flew up like a wave at a red sox game, from us outward, flapping and honking their high pitched honks- what an amazing spectacle. Fields and fields of the birds were there- and the flat country there has huge expanses of open fields. I can't imagine how many birds were there but I would have to say tens and tens of thousands. Trucks were also honking (!) at us to get further off the road, and so we reluctantly had to move on. I felt like I experienced something so special, and completely by chance- The snow geese migration, up front and personal.
---Burt Tepfer,
Today my feeder was visited by a Carolina Wren, a first one for me, and a flock of Pine Siskins (See attachments), along with the usual suspects, Chickadees, Titmice, Nuthatches, Northern Cardinals, Blue Jays and Mourning Doves.
---Hilke Breder,
Also in
---Charlie La Rosa,
Monday afternoon we had a Northern Goshawk making lazy circles over our field for several minutes, then sliding off to the west.
---Ned Pokras,
There was a flock of 125 Pine Siskins feeding in a large birch tree on
---Dave Johnston,
Yesterday, we had a male Red-bellied Woodpecker at our feeder. It was the 2nd time it has been seen here in the last two weeks. According to our Audubon Field Guide, they are not usually this far north. Any other sightings of this particular species? We have lived in this area for our entire lives, and have never seen this before.
---Billie Stark,
Yesterday (11/27) Lance Tanino of Keene,NH e-mailed us that he had visited Minards Pond in Bellows Falls and saw 963 Canada Geese, 6 American Black Ducks, 13 Mallards 1 Hooded Merganser, 17 Common Mergansers and 1 Dark-eyed Junco.
Please keep us abreast of what birds you are seeing, whether at home or on a trip in or out of the
Al Merritt
A friend is someone who reaches for your hand
and touches your heart.