
Sightings listed for the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society

Thursday, May 31, 2007

[BIRD NOTES] May 31, 2007


Bird Notes



Stratton Birds

On a (5/27)hike up Stratton Mountain, I had lots of Magnolia Warblers, Blackpoll Warblers and Myrtle Warblers on the top of the mountain. There was one Bicknell’s Thrush singing behind the GMC caretaker's hut at dusk. 

---Lani Wright, Brattleboro, VT


Stark Birds

A Great Crested Flycatcher was heard and seen in the tree tops along Stark Road in Marlboro (5/22). Also heard was a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Hermit Thrush and a Black-throated Green Warbler.

---Hollie Bowen


Brattleboro Breeding Birds

Nesting Redstarts were reported by Ned Pokras of W. Brattleboro and Black-billed Cuckoos were confirmed nesting by Dave Johnston his neighbor on Bonnyvale Road. At Chipmunk Crossing we observed a very early White-breasted Nuthatch fledgling sitting on the roof of the feeding station in our backyard.




At my feeders this morning, there was a squirrel - very slightly larger than a chipmunk - could almost be considered the same size as a chipmunk (chipmunks & the squirrel were present at same time, but did not hold still for photos) - much smaller than a red squirrel - light gray, with white, black eye, belly seems to show red spots (nipples?). I've never seen a rodent like this. Can anyone help?

---Chris Petrak, S. Newfane, VT



Photos by Chris Petrak






Wednesday, May 23, 2007

FW: [BIRD NOTES] May 23, 2007



Bird Notes



A quick stop at Herricks Cove late this afternoon in the rain found the apple tree on the point alive with feeding birds including: Orchard Oriole, N. oriole, Blackpoll, Redstart, Yellow, Yellow-rump, B&W & Wilsons Warblers, Cedar Waxwings, Chickadees, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Warbling Vireo & White Crowned Sparrows. Also Green Heron, Gadwall, Wood Ducks, Semi-palmated Plovers, Least Sandpipers & 5 species of Swallow.  Wood Ducks trailing young at Allen Bros. Marsh earlier in the day.

---Don Clark, Grafton, VT



There is a pair of nesting Bluebirds at the rock meadow conservation area in Belmont, Mass, north of Boston. Also a pair of Wood Ducks on Lyman Pond, Waltham, just south of Bentley College.

---Doreen Pugh, Waltham, MA



On the 15th of May there was a phenomenal fallout of migrants at Plum Island. 138 species of birds were recorded. The vast majority of these birds, all but the Rock Pigeon, were seen from the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge.

---Tom Wetmore, MA



On wed AM I saw and heard a blue wing warbler from the railroad bed in Hinsdale. It was only about 20 feet off the trail. I heard the bee buzz (I just saw one in Cape May last week) and found him right away. It was just a short way past the gate (1/8th mile) walking toward the dam on the left. I was pretty excited!!!  He was sipping nectar?? from tree blossoms and a chickadee kept chasing him off, but then he'd come right back. Very cool!!!

---Lani Wright, Brattleboro, VT



The large crabapple outside my window has a glorious profusion of pink-purple blooms this year and is a major early morning stop for a variety of songbirds. I had a good long study through the open window at a Cape May Warbler, Tennessee Warbler, and a Parula Warbler, as well as an Indigo Bunting, a female Common Yellowthroat Warbler, plus Cardinals, Goldfinches, and the other usual denizens of the town. The Indigo Bunting in particular was stunning amidst the blossoms in the morning light. I wish I had had a telephoto camera ready.

---Mary Lea, Cherry St., Brattleboro, VT



Had a new yard bird this morning - a female Mourning Warbler. 

---Hector Galbraith, Dummerston, VT



Our week on Plum Island was sensational. There were several days where there were so many warblers that they were everywhere you looked, and by the hundreds. We managed a total of 122 species, by far a record for us, all but seven or so seen/heard on Plum. This includes 17 species of warblers. Both of us saw most of them, but Rob managed a Cape May, the Whimbrel and Ruddy Turnstones. We had great listens to the King Rail and several Soras but they remained tucked away.


Other highlights:

Blackburnian W.


American Avocet

Wilson's Phalarope

Common Moorhen



Great looks today, Saturday, late afternoon, at the pair of Sandhill Cranes on the cornfields on Caldwell Road in W. Northfield , MA 

---Paul Miksis & Robyn Flatley


Lesser Sandhill Crane                           © Paul Miksis                           Greater Sandhill Crane




I had an INDIGO BUNTING (male) in my yard today, and I also enjoyed watching a male and a female ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK having a late lunch together.

---Laurie Miner, West Brattleboro, VT




At Allen Pond today:  several yellow warblers, two actively building nests; warbling vireo, also building nest; several redstart, 4 great blue herons, wood duck with 10 babies, baltimore oriole, least flycatcher, tree swallows, mallards, canada geese, red wing blackbirds, song sparrow, tree sparrow.

---Marilyn Tillinghast, Putney, VT




Broadbrook Boat Launch in Brattleboro


Warbling Vireo 2

Yellow Warbler 4

Common Yellowthroat 1

Chestnut-sided Warbler 2

Baltimore Oriole (numerous)




Bald Eagle (2nd year and 3rd year birds) We watched them for about 10 minutes circling and calling then chasing each other, sometimes with legs and talons extended.




Please keep us abreast of what birds you are seeing, whether at home or on a trip in or out of the Windham County area.


Al Merritt

W. Brattleboro, VT



BIRD NOTE archives:


Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society website:








Monday, May 14, 2007

[BIRD NOTES] May 14, 2007


Bird Notes



SVAS Bird Walk

On Saturday, May 12th birding specialist Whit Nichols led a field trip for the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society, to find early Spring migrants. Eleven early risers turned out on a slightly cool, breezy, sunshiny morning to count 45 species of birds.



Green Heron

Spotted Sandpiper

Least Sandpiper

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Warbling Vireo

Eastern Bluebird

Brown Thrasher

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Yellow Warbler

Pine Warbler

Common Yellowthroat

Black and White Warbler

Nashville Warbler


Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Baltimore Oriole




I had two Wilson's Warblers this morning(5/12): one at the Brattleboro Retreat Meadows and another across the river in Hinsdale.  ---Hector Galbraith, Dummerston, VT



This week at our hillside open and wooded site we saw:

Indigo Bunting (here yesterday and today).

Black and White Warbler

Baltimore Oriole (checking out a maple tree).

Robins are building nests

Thrushes echo in the woods.

A Cardinal pair feed every evening and morning at our feeder.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Our first of the season today. From notes I have kept for 10 years, we always see them arrive during the first ten days of May.)

---Nancy Waterhouse, Putney, VT


Vermont Spring Bird Arrival Schedule

First week in May:

Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Common Tern, Black Tern, Whip-poor-will, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Least Flycatcher, Great-crested Flycatcher, Veery, Wood Thrush, Gray Catbird, Yellow-throated Vireo, Warbling Vireo, Nashville Warbler, Northern Parula, Yellow Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, American Redstart, Ovenbird, Northern Waterthrush, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, White-crowned Sparrow, Bobolink.


F  I  E  L  D    T  R  I  P 


Saturday, May 19 — Spring Migration at Great Meadows and the Sudbury Valley. Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Concord, Mass. is famous for spring migration birding. Waterfowl, waders, rails, songbirds, flycatchers and other birds come to this oasis in the spring to rest and feed, or stay and breed. Meet at the Outlet Center parking lot off I91 exit 1 in Brattleboro at 6:30 a.m. to carpool. Bring water, snacks, field guides, scopes and binoculars. For information and to sign up, call Marilyn at(802)387-4585 or e-mail:



Please keep us abreast of what birds you are seeing, whether at home or on a trip in or out of the Windham County area.


Al Merritt

W. Brattleboro, VT



BIRD NOTE archives:


Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society website:






Friday, May 11, 2007

[BIRD NOTES] May 11, 2007



Bird Notes



Here in Putney, at our hillside open and wooded site, we saw this week:

Black and White Warbler.  Our first Hummingbird of the season today.  From notes I have kept for 10 years, we always see them arrive during the first ten days of May. Indigo Bunting here yesterday and today.  Baltimore Oriole checking out a maple tree.  Robins are building nests.  Thrushes echo in the woods.  A Cardinal pair feed every evening and morning at our feeder.

---Nancy Waterhouse


On Wednesday a.m. I saw and heard a Blue-winged Warbler from the railroad bed in Hinsdale, NH. It was only about 20 feet off the trail. I heard the bee buzz (I just saw one in Cape May last week) and found him right away. It was just a short way past the gate (1/8th mile) walking toward the dam on the left. I was pretty excited!!!  He was sipping nectar?? from tree blossoms and a chickadee kept chasing him off but then he'd come right back. Very cool!!!

---Lani Wright, Brattleboro, VT



Olive-sided Flycatchers were singing in Grafton today.

---Don Clark, Grafton, VT


This morning(5/10)at the Retreat Meadows:

Semi-palm. plover     3

Least sand            31

Lesser yellowlegs     2

Greater   "           3

Solitary sand         2

Spotted sand          2

Western palm warbler  1 (no easterns)

Field sparrow         1

---Hector Galbraith, Dummerston, VT



Today at Chipmunk Crossing we had a pair each of Purple Finches, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Chipping Sparrows, Cardinals, Goldfinch, Song Sparrows and the first appearance of the Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. The male didn’t waste anytime in courting his true love by acting out his “pendulum flight” as she watched from a branch of the Rose of Sharon. All of that energy after just arriving from South America. Amazing little creatures!



There was a mature Bald Eagle sitting in a tree at the Retreat Meadows. The variety of shorebirds that Hector reported on the sandbar in the West River was still there today. We had good looks at a Savannah Sparrow on Marina Road while Baltimore Orioles and Warbling Vireos sang from the treetops. The Turkey Vultures were still hanging out in the Locust Trees near Carleys Florist on Putney Road. In Vernon at the Miller Farm on Pecks Road we watched Killdeer, Least Sandpiper and Solitary Sandpiper. The nesting eagles are tending at least one chick in the nest.


Please keep us abreast of what birds you are seeing, whether at home or on a trip in or out of the Windham County area.


Al Merritt

W. Brattleboro, VT



BIRD NOTE archives:


Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society website: