
Sightings listed for the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

{BIRD NOTES ~ Jan.26, 2016 }

Bird Notes




Hello Al,

Happy New Year!

Friday, 15 January 2016 W. Brattleboro, VT (Open water at confluence of Ames and Whetstone Brooks)

Mallard - 21

Wood Duck - 1 (female plumage, smaller and darker, long tail, white around eye, light rear tertials)

I always read and appreciate your BIRD NOTES.

---Whitney Nichols, W. Brattleboro



We have been watching Bluebirds going into one of our nesting boxes. They have been here off and on all winter, but tonight there are Nine of them. That is the most we have seen go into a box at one time.

Hope your bird watching is going well.

---Paul Miller, Vernon, VT



I had the thrill of seeing an adult Bald Eagle today. Initially I saw it in the trees near a fresh coyote deer kill and didn't recognize it. Thought it might be a buzzard. Shortly after I saw it soaring over our open field. No doubt--white tail and head. Didn't think they would venture this far away from the river. We're in the far SW corner of Dummerston off of Sunset Lake Road

---Greg Moshetti, Dummerston, VT



Ermine carrying a fat mouse meal. I know this isn't a bird but thought it was fun to see. It was sent to me by my sister who lives in Jackson, Wyoming.
---Barbara Powers, Manchester Center, VT





Bird Walks at Hildene in Manchester, VT  The following is not an SVAS scheduled thing, but I thought that some might be interested in attending a walk or two. We have been there a few times (in warmer weather) and have enjoyed the area, the birders and the birds. Here are the coming dates for the monthly bird walk at Hildene in Manchester, Vermont. We meet at 8:00 am in the winter months at the Welcome Center parking lot. In April the time we meet switches to 7:00 am which goes to September when we switch back to 8:00 am.   All are welcome. If you need additional information, you can contact me. Barbara Powers,  Hope you come and have fun.

Jan 16th  -starting at 8 a.m.
Feb. 13th
March 12th
April 9th

April 23rd - starting at 7a.m.
May 14th
May 28th
June 18th
July 16th
August 20th

Sept 17th - starting at 8a.m.
October 8th
November 9th
December 10th


PLEASE share your birding news and photos with us, so we

 can all enjoy reading about your birds and birding




Al Merritt


Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society:



Thursday, January 14, 2016

{BIRD NOTES and a Program Note}


Bird Notes



Previous local sightings:

A local Raven has been heard each day in the vicinity of Mather Road & Greenleaf St.


Saw a Bald Eagle perched in another treetop this morning, (Dec.14) high above I-91 near Kurn Hattin Homes.

---Malcolm Moore


A BLACK SCOTER was seen on the Connecticut River in Hinsdale on December 13th.

---Bird East report


Bald Eagle fly-over at the Retreat Meadows (Dec. 12)


A small flock of Robins was digging for worms in the fresh pile of topsoil in a property along Greenleaf Street.                                                                         


Frequent visitors of not so common birds at our feeder at Chipmunk Crossing:

Red-bellied Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker and Carolina Wren,


Bob Engel has reported brief stopovers at his crabapple tree by a flock of marauding Cedar Waxwings








P  R  O  G  R  A  M


“Three Deserts”

7 p.m. Tuesday, January 19, 2016


Dr. Robert Engel, Professor Emeritus of Biology, Marlboro College,

will acquaint us with the three United States deserts (Chihuahuan,

Sonoran, and Mohave) each almost as different from one another as tthey

are from the forests of Vermont. They are also teaming with life. This slide

presentation will try to demonstrate the austere beauty of these

unappreciated natural systems.



Community room of Brooks Library.

FREE and open to the public.

Sponsored by Southeastern Vermont Audubon



PLEASE share your birding news and photos with us, so we

 can all enjoy reading about your birds and birding




Al Merritt


Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society: