
Sightings listed for the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society

Sunday, January 19, 2014

{BIRD NOTES} ~ January 19, 2014

Bird Notes



Gulls, Gulls and More Gulls in Connecticut River at Turners Falls, MA

 2 male and a female Barrow’s Goldeneye



 1 Lesser Black-backed Gull

---Western Mass RBA



West B. Mergansers

A Common Merganser pair were making their way up the fast flowing Whetstone Brook this afternoon - seen from the Meadowbrook Road bridge.

---Nori Howe, West Brattleboro, VT



Bald Eagles Over VT

This Monday 1/13/14 at our house off Quarry Road in Westminster we saw an adult Bald Eagle fly west over the house.  Today (Wed 1/15/14) I saw an adult bald eagle flying south over the CT River at I91 mile marker 13.  A visitor from Weathersfield Bow, VT says that they see the eagles often as they take the shortcut over the big bow in the CT river.  

---Tom Prunier, Westminster, VT



Big Numbers of Coastal Snowy Owls

SNOWY OWLS continue to make their presence known in remarkable numbers.  This week SNOWY OWL reports included 7-10 in the Newburyport-Plum Island area, and 4 at Salisbury Beach Reservation.

---RBA Eastern Massachusetts



A Program Reminder:

Endocrine Disruption and Impacts on Wildlife

On January 21st Susan Whittemore, Professor of Biology at Keene State College, will discuss the phenomenon of endocrine disruption, or how certain man-made chemicals are interfering with normal hormone function, with an emphasis on the detrimental impacts on wildlife.  Join us at 7:00pm in the  Brooks Memorial Library's community room in Brattleboro, VT.

Sponsored by Southeastern VT Audubon Society

FREE and open to the public



Please share your birding news with us.

Any Owls?




What have you seen while on a trip?


Al Merritt




Happy New Year!

I wonder how many of us have written the 2013 date on documents so far this year?