{BIRD NOTES} ~ August 28, 2013
Bird Notes
Nighthawks at
8/22 Another slow night in Westminster Station with only 13 birds passing through. Hopefully the weather change will get them moving.
8/23 Another slow night for Westminster Station with only 9 birds in a little over 2 hours.
Almost an equal number of raptors with osprey, merlin, redtail, bald eagle, coops & tv.
8/24 The first big movement of the season at Westminster Station. In the 2 hrs. of watching we had 248 birds with feeding groups of 28,34,42 & 68.
Three adult bald eagles also passed by..
8/25 272 birds tallied in Westminster Station tonight.
8/26 Finally a good night with 607 birds. With a big flying ant hatch tonight one large group of 125 fed overhead for half an hour.
---Don Clark,
8/27 Amazing night!! One large flock of 579 and another of 213, gave us a total of 796 for the evening.
---JoAnne Russo,
Nighthawks Over
Common Nighthawk migration appears to have peaked last weekend with high
counts of 2,202 tallied at Powdermill Pond in Hancock on August 24th, 966
recorded in
There were smaller numbers, including counts of up to 300 birds, reported
from scattered locations during the past week.
The next bird walk at Hildene in
---Barbara Powers,
My friends Kathy Thompson and Mike Hebb just returned to
“Grand Manan was quite good. We had one really rainy day (Friday) and 3 good ones. Guided from a Hotel we visited many "hot spots" and got a whale sighting boat trip. Many humpbacks, fin whales and minkes. Without the tour leader I wouldn't recommend it. He knew exactly where to go and just what birds to be found and was often able to call them out. There were 7 customers and we drove around in his van.”
We also did a ferry trip to a neighboring island called White Head. He made real use of the changing tides and the shore birds response to it. Roads are a bit narrow for biking but scenic. Here's our bird list and the website to consult for more information:
1. Common Loon
2. Pied-billed Grebe
3. Great Shearwater
4. Sooty Shearwater
5. Manx Shearwater
7. Northern Gannet
8. Great Cormorant
9. Double-crested Cormorant
10. Great Blue Heron
11. Turkey Vulture
12. Canada Goose
13. Wood Duck
14. American Wigeon
15. American Black Duck
16. Mallard
17. Green-winged Teal
18. Ring-necked Duck
19. Common Eider
20. Hooded Merganser
21. Red-breasted Merganser
22. Osprey
23. Bald Eagle
24. Broad-winged Hawk
25. Merlin
26. Peregrine Falcon
27. Ring-necked Pheasant
28. Black-bellied Plover
29. Semipalmated Plover
30. Greater Yellowlegs
31. Lesser Yellowlegs
32. Spotted Sandpiper
33. Sanderling
34. Semipalmated Sandpiper
35. Least Sandpiper
36. White-rumped Sandpiper
37. Pectoral Sandpiper
38. Red-necked Phalarope
39. Red Phalarope
40. Bonaparte's Gull
41. Ring-billed Gull
42. Herring Gull
43. Great Black-backed Gull
44. Black-legged Kittiwake
45. Common Tern
46. Common Murre
47. Razorbill
48. Black Guillemot
49. Atlantic Puffin
50. Rock Dove
51. Mourning Dove
52. Chimney Swift
53. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
54. Belted Kingfisher
55. Downy Woodpecker
56. Hairy Woodpecker
57. Northern Flicker
58. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
59. Alder Flycatcher
60. Eastern Kingbird
61. Red-eyed Vireo
62. Blue Jay
63. American Crow
64. Common Raven
65. Tree Swallow
66. Barn Swallow
67. Black-capped Chickadee
68. Boreal Chickadee
69. Red-breasted Nuthatch
71. Winter Wren
72. Golden-crowned Kinglet
73. Eastern Bluebird
74. American Robin
75. Gray Catbird
76. European Starling
77. Cedar Waxwing
79. Yellow Warbler
80. Chestnut-sided Warbler
81. Magnolia Warbler
82. Yellow-rumped Warbler
83. Black-throated Green Warbler
84. Black-and-white Warbler
85. American Redstart
86. Mourning Warbler
87. Common Yellowthroat
88. Chipping Sparrow
90. Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
91. Song Sparrow
92. White-throated Sparrow
93. Dark-eyed Junco
94. Northern Cardinal
95. Red-winged Blackbird
96. American Goldfinch
---Mike Hebb as related to Malcom Moore, Marlboro, VT
Please share your birding news with us.
Any new migrants or nesters?
What have you seen while on a trip?
Al Merritt