
Sightings listed for the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

{BIRD NOTES ~ April, 07, 2015}

Bird Notes


A stop at the Marina cornfield this afternoon was very productive. While checking for sparrows along the eastern edge I came up with 8 Song Sparrows in one bush. BUT! The bird of the day, maybe of the spring, was a handsome male NORTHERN HARRIER tipping back and forth over the south end of the cornfield before flying low over the rail trail and out of sight to the west.




As of Monday I have Red-winged Black Birds at my Feeder (9) and singing in the trees.  Also two Common Grackles feeding with them.

Somebody must think spring is coming!

---Marshall Wheelock, Brattleboro


Heard and saw my first of year Broad-winged Hawk today (3/22).  They are back!! Heard and saw my first of year broad winged hawk today.  They are back!!

---Diana Lee, Westminster, VT


Bev Burkett and I watched and counted 11 mallards, 2 American Black Ducks, and 8 Common Mergansers on the Connecticut River under the pedestrian walkway over the Connecticut River at just east of the round about at Exit 3 off 91. 

---Connie Woodberry


I've been throwing birdseed off the back porch steps all winter and have had a horde of gray squirrels, deer, and birds--a pair of cardinals, a couple of hen turkeys, and blue jays. I also hang suet on the pulley clothesline, and the woodpeckers have been after it all winter--I can never remember the difference between the Downy and Hairy woodpeckers.    But, Spring MUST be coming, because I hear crows which don't overwinter here, and today I saw chipmunks eating the birdseed, and I never see them during the winter either. Can't count on the weather reports, but seeing certain animals at this time of the year seems to be more accurate to my way of thinking.

---Susan Herbert, Dummerston, VT


Great blue heron yesterday (3/31) on the Green River Road beaver dam and Mr and Mrs Merganser were on the river today.

---Carol Schnabel, Guilford, VT


We saw our first of the season Killdeer yesterday (4/5) along the Connecticut River near the Brat. water treatment plant off of Rt.142. Peck Road produced 2 Phoebes, a Bluebird, and a Red-tailed Hawk. A male Cardinal and a small group of Grackles and Red-winged Blackbirds were feeding streamside along Blodgett Road. Otherwise it was just a beautiful sun shiny day without much action.

---Barb Merritt, Brattleboro, VT

Be aware that the Woodcock are “peenting” and flying!



PLEASE share your birding news and photos with us so we can all enjoy reading about your birds and birding experiences.

Al Merritt


Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society:





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