{BIRD NOTES} ~ October 11, 2013
Bird Notes |
Birding in |
Spent much of the day birding in Brattleboro and Vernon, VT birding at the Brattleboro treatment plant, the east side of Brattleboro retreat, the fields by the nuke plant substation, the stump dump on Stebbins Road, and Fort Dummer State Park. Best bird was a DICKCISSEL at the water treatment plant. Also had 5 warbler species - 1 |
A Late Hummer
On September 30th a Ruby-Throated Hummingbird stopped by our feeder for a few sips before moving on. Several White-throated Sparrows arrived (Oct. 1) and were busy scratching in the leaves beneath the willow bush. Since then we have had a male Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Oct. 10) flashing its red feathered crown, and the first of the season Slate-colored Junco.
--Chipmunk Crossing
Mockingbirds Also Sing in the Fall
We were enjoying the singing Mockingbird the other day. We have a long-time pair that reside in and around our front yard. The next day I received in the mail from my sister a clipping from The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. It was about mockingbirds in autumn. It discussed the 'unique habit' among mockingbirds, male and female, to define and defend their territories in fall and winter. It went on to say that in September, mockingbirds, either separately or in pairs, begin defending their 'second' territories, mostly around fall food sources such as pokeberry bushes laden with berries. (These spots may also become nesting territories in spring.) One of the mockingbird's fascinating fall and winter defense strategies is to perch conspicuously and sing as exuberantly as in the mating season. This answered my question as to why I was hearing so many melodies radiating among the orange-tinted cherry tree leaves in our front yard. On another note: It seems the robins have returned to our yard and are busy taking October baths. So it is good to keep fresh water outside, it's been so dry, but that will change soon.
Bird time is magical. Enjoy the new season.
---Claudia Perretti,
Flying Geese
Has anyone noticed the long wavering strings of Canada Geese flying high and heading down the Connecticut R. Are the Arctic blasts headed this way or are they following their inbred instincts? If you spot any with numbered yellow collars, please make an effort to write down the numbers and let us know. We can report them and find out the origin of their banders. This can sometime be very interesting.
~ P U B L I C P R O G R A M ~ October 15 at 7 p.m. in the Community Room of Brooks Library Birding with a Wildlife Veternarian: Some Observations of the In addition to his clinical work on the medicine and surgery of wild birds, Dr. Mark Pokras has worked on a wide variety of environmental issues including pollution, climate change, and emerging infectious diseases. The program will emphaze things not found in your field guides. What does a veterinarian see when looking at birds? We’ll discuss interesting anatomic and behavioral features, some current and emerging threats to wild birds, and how birders can play important roles as environmental detectives, whether in the backyard feeder or on birding adventures. | |
Please share your birding news with us.
Any new migrants?
Al Merritt
The Brattleboro Christmas Bird Count will be held on Saturday, December 21, 2013
7 teams will scour the area and count birds of each species heard/sighted
To join a team or do a feeder count please contact:
Al Merritt (802) 254-4820)
E-mail: chpmnkx@sover.net
Whether you participate or not, please join us at 6:00 p.m. for
the Compilation Pot Luck Supper to be held at Hollie Bowen’s home at
For tips on what to bring call Hollie at: (802) 254-9087
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