{BIRD NOTES} ~ August 7, 2011
Bird Notes
The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Biologists are extremely happy with the increase in the wild turkey population. They have been surprised at how they’ve successfully expanded throughout the state and how well they have adapted to current habitat conditions. But they are still interested in determining just how well that population is faring. With that in mind the department has established a website they are calling The Wild Turkey Brood Survey and are asking volunteers to record all sightings of wild turkeys including young turkeys, or poults. The brood survey will help them track trends in the reproduction success of the turkey population.
Simply go to the department’s website at www.vermontfishandwildlife.com and click on Wild Turkey Brood Survey. The Vermont Fish & Wildlife welcome and invite people to participate. It helps with the management efforts to be able to track turkey populations better. The website will be up and ready on August 1 and will accept and collect data until August 31.
We have a lot of turkeys in our area of
Retreat Meadows (8/6)
This morning from our vantage point along the
Have you heard them yet? Here at Chipmunk Crossing we heard the first one on August 4th. According to fable, it predicts the first frost will be in 6 weeks. That would make it about the 15th of September. What do you think?
Who’s Making All That Racket After Dark? The Birds That Sing At Night
Is something (or someone) keeping you awake these summer nights?
Many questions come to eNature about night birds calling and other weird and incessant noises in the dark. It seems that there’s a lot of activity taking place when most of us expect our birds to be resting. What’s going on? And who’s making all that noise in the dark?
Depending on the kinds of calls, and the location in
Owls make another kind of noise in the night, which can range from the hooting of Great Horned Owls to the whinnying of Screech-owls.
All of these birds are protected by state and federal laws, and nothing can or should be done to disturb them, no matter how annoying they are. The best solution is to either enjoy them, or to put plugs in your ears. ---eNature
Note: I don’t want to belabor this too long, but after the pot luck dinner we found a flat clear glass dish lid that was left on the table by someone. Let us know if it is yours. At the same time we found that our casserole dish was missing its lid. It is a round, dome shaped, clear glass Corning Ware casserole lid with a knob on top. Anyone? 802-254-4820 or chpmnkx@sover.net
Please share your birding news with us.
What have you got coming to your feeders?
Are there any birds nesting in your yard?
What have you seen while on a trip?
Drop us an e-mail chpmnkx@sover.net
Al Merritt
Check out our website: http://sevtaudubonbirdnotes.blogspot.com/
A friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
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