
Sightings listed for the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

{BIRD NOTES} ~ May 22, 2013



Bird Notes




Retreat Meadows Shorebird Fallout

After last nights severe and protracted storms there was a fall-out of shorebirds at the retreat meadows:

Short-billed dowitchers   53  (all of race griseus, no hendersoni)
Semi-palmated plover   4
Greater Yellowlegs   6
Least Sandpipers  10
Spotted Sandpipers   8
---Hector Galbraith



Hummers in West B.

Just before lunch, I put out our hummingbird feeder for the first time this season.  I was somewhat skeptical about doing so, but while we were eating lunch, the first one arrived (though it disappeared quickly due to our movements).

---Judy Myrick, West B.



Seen or heard on Sun Hill Road in Putney recently:

Eastern Kingbird, Myrtle Warbler, many Bobolinks, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Chipping Sparrow, Ovenbird, Least Flycatcher, and Scarlet Tanager

Good Birding!

---Burt Tepfer, Putney, VT



Herrick’s Cove

One late Bonaparte's Gull. Singing Black-billed Cuckoo, Willow Flycatcher, Northern Waterthrushes, Magnolia and Wilson's Warblers.

---Joanne Russo



N.E. Kingdom Grand Slam

Just got back from a two-day stay in Vermont's Northeast Kingdom.  Spent most of our time on the South America Road and the Moose Bog Trail and, for the first time in several years, managed to see the area's Grand Slam of boreal birds -- Black-backed Woodpecker, Boreal Chickadee, Grey Jay and Spruce Grouse, the latter giving us long and varied views as he flew back and forth off the bog trail a mere 50 ft. away.  The hardest bird to find by far was the Grey Jay and once it made itself known, flew off almost immediately.  In the past, we've had these birds follow us along the road in Victory Bog begging for Trail Mix.  This bird and his partner were not interested in such interaction, a big disappointment since it's one of my favorite birds.  The snub was somewhat mitigated when we saw our first Nashville Warbler and Northern Waterthrush of the year.  All in all, a very good birding trip to the Kingdom.

---Molly Martin & Michael King 



Adventure at Phyllis’ Marsh

A quick walk around the marsh was surprising in more than a few ways: there was not only a drop in temperature, but also several FOY's.  A Brown Thrasher was pecking at the remnants of bird seed, a pair of American Redstarts were singing in the nearby brush, and about 50-75 Barn Swallows were soaring about the marsh.  That would have been more than enough, but as I was watching the swallows, an Osprey swooped down and then flew up to a nearby tree with a swallow in its talons.  Stayed there for about ten minutes and then flew off.  Quite an amazing start to the day.

---Phyllis Benay, Brattleboro, VT



Arrivals at Chipmunk Crossing

Our Ruby-throated Hummingbirds arrived today (5/21) from their winter quarters in South America. They found the sipping syrup that we mixed up and poured into the glass containers hanging from the eaves of our log home. We are sure that they are the same ones, or at least from the same family, that have spent numerous summers with us.  They knew the exact location of the feeders and hurriedly tested all the orifices. Simply amazing!  Imagine a journey of thousands of miles without a compass or GPS and finding their target. Think about it!  A day later we welcomed the arrival of a male Indigo Bunting in all of its splendor. Last year we were privileged to have a pair visiting our yard. In the wooded area on the hillside we hear the Veery singing its sweet song and the Ovenbird calling out “Teacher-Teacher-Teacher”. The Red-eyed Vireo never seems to tire of its “tooweet-tooweet” in the tops of the cottonwood trees. Not to forget the squeaking and mewing of the Catbird in the honeysuckle.


F  I  E  L  D    T  R  I  P

Saturday, May 25 @ 7:30am


“Phyllis’ Marsh”

Join SVAS birders for a walk through a private preserve with

mixed edge, forest, and wetland habitats and a potential for

 a wide variety of species on the cusp of their breeding season. 

Meet in Hanaford’s parking lot.



Please share your birding news with us.

Any new migrants?

What have you seen while on a trip?


Al Merritt

W. Brattleboro, VT









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