
Sightings listed for the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society

Thursday, November 09, 2006

November 8, 2006

Bird Notes

Logan Airport Snowies

The total number of Snowy Owls captured (and banded) last winter was 36. It was our third best year since starting at Logan in 1981. The best winter was 1986-87 when we banded 43 snowy owls and in January of that year had a high count of 23 snowy owls on the airfield at one time. Of the 36 snowy owls captured last winter, 1 was captured at Duxbury Beach, 2 at Chickatawbut Hill in the Blue Hills, 3 at Plum Island and 30 at Logan Airport. Of the 30 captured at the airport 11 were released at Duxbury Beach and 19 released at Plum Island.

The first Snowy Owl this year arrived at Logan Airport on October 29th.

---Norman Smith, Mass. Audubon

The Brattleboro Christmas Bird Count

The CBC will be held on Saturday, December 16th this year. Mark your calendars and let me know if you are willing to participate by doing a feeder count or if you wish to join a party in the field in a designated area of the 15 mile diameter circle.


The Putney Mountain Hawk Watch has recorded 6 GOLDEN EAGLES this year, most recently on October 30.

Also, Richard Foye called to report a female BLACK-THROATED BLUE WARBLER feeding this morning on yew berries in his South Newfane yard - he also watched it flycatch a moth. A SWAINSON'S THRUSH was feeding on the yew berries for four days(11/1-4). A GRAY CATBIRD was also around Richard's yard over the weekend. ---Chris Petrak, S. Newfane, VT

Setback Birds

Late afternoon at the Cersosimo Setback(11/5):

Canada Geese

Ring-necked Ducks

Common Mergansers

Hooded Mergansers

(1F)Common Goldeneye

(1F)Ruddy Duck


(1) Great Blue Heron

The Ruddy Duck was a new bird for me. And by the way, I saw the Pied-billed Grebes in Hinsdale, posted elsewhere, on Monday, along with two Coots; NO hunters. ---Paul Miksis, Brattleboro

Birds at Chipmunk Crossing (11/4-8)

Fox Sparrow (1)

White-throats (4)

Juncos (8)

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Wild Turkey (3)

Cardinal (M&F)

Carolina Wren

Myrtle Warbler

Hairy Woodpecker (M&F)

Downy Woodpecker (M&F)

Hinsdale Setback Nov. 5:

Common Merganser (12F)

Peck’s Pond, Vernon Nov. 5:

Green-winged Teal (M&F)

A Common Raven flew over our car as we were driving north on I 91 near the Ascutney exit on Nov. 2.

Al Merritt

W. Brattleboro, VT

Bird Notes archives can be found on the following website:

What birds are you getting at your feeders and around your neighborhood? Have you made any birding trips lately? Please share your experiences with us.


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