August 2
Bird Notes
No Place Like Home
We have finally found our way back to Brattleboro after a 3 week absence
doing house/pet sitting for our niece and nephew while they enjoyed a much
needed vacation. Part of that time we spent enjoying our own R&R at our
little retreat in the Catskill Mts. Even birding took a back burner, except
for one morning when we chased down a report of nesting Monk Parakeets near
Stewart Field in Orange County, NY. We will write more on that in a later
Bird Notes. But, no matter where your journey might take you, it's always
good to be home.
AOU Checklist Changes
To the serious birders in our midst, the 47th Supplement to the AOU
Check-list is available at the following link:
Most noteworthy to most American birders among the taxonomic changes are the
splitting of Blue Grouse into 2 species, Dusky Grouse and Sooty Grouse, and
the splitting of Cape Verde Shearwater from Cory's Shearwater. Also of
interest are wholesale changes in classification among tringa shorebirds and
sterna terns. Students of neotropical birds will be most stunned by the
merger of woodcreepers (Dendrocolaptidae) into ovenbirds (Furnariidae).
---Ken Allaire, New York, NY
Swifts and Nighthawks?
Has anyone posted as to the lack of Chimney Swifts and Nighthawks?
We used to enjoy one or two Nighthawks in downtown Brattleboro, but this
year we haven't spotted even one. Plus, tons of Swifts arrived in the spring
and now we see only one family in the night sky where there would have been
numerous families at this time last year. Has our hot weather killed off a
significant population? or the torrential rains came at the wrong time? Is
anybody chatting about this? ---Robyn Flatley, Brattleboro?
Williamsville Hawks
I saw the first flight - or one of the first flights - of two chicks from
the Broad-winged Hawk nest in Williamsville yesterday evening(7/14). One
photo is below. Additional photos are on my blog:
---Chris Petrak, South Newfane
Broad-winged chick just before it's
first, or one of its first flights.
West River Birds (8/1)
Great Blue Heron 1
Great Egret 1
Green Heron 1
Killdeer 6
Spotted Sandpiper 1
Belted Kingfisher 1
What birds are you getting at your feeders and around your neighborhood?
Have you made any birding trips lately?
Please share your experiences with us.
Al Merritt
Chipmunk Crossing
W. Brattleboro
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