
Sightings listed for the Southeastern Vermont Audubon Society

Friday, February 21, 2014

{BIRD NOTES ~ February 15, 2014}

Bird Notes


S. Wardsboro Evening Grosbeaks & a West River Bald Eagle

Hi Al, Iwas wondering if you could continue sending "Bird Notes" to me. I have moved to S. Wardsboro from W. Brattleboro so my email is slightly different than what you had. Thank You. We've had Evening Grossbeaks (3) hanging around. Also 3 times last week a large Bald Eagle in the area of the West Dummerston covered bridge. Very impressive.

---Colleen Bourne, S. Wardsboro, VT







Juniper Bluebirds & Wintering Robins

Dear Al, A friend of mine in Saxtons River sent me these pix of the bluebirds that are visiting her juniper bushes each morning.  Her name is Susie Peters, and her husband, Jack, is a fine photographer.  Hence the great pix.  Also, driving along the Pleasant Valley Rd. in Saxtons River recently I have seen two large flocks of Robins crossing the road in front of me.  Poor birds.  The January thaw must have thrown them off. Thanks for posting each week.

---Sally Warren, Saxtons River, VT






More Robins

A small flock of Robins spent Thursday afternoon in the blinding snowstorm eating floribunda rose hips in our yard on Greenleaf Street in West Brattleboro. Two male Cardinals perched nearby waiting their chance to steal a few of these tasty vitamin “C” buds.



PLEASE share your birding news and photos with us.


Al Merritt